Bonversations | Ep #62 | Gematrinator 85 [2] (11-Jan-2025)
Is it possible that an interest in gematria might be evidence of ‘schizophrenia’? Do the numbers point to a computer-like
Read moreIs it possible that an interest in gematria might be evidence of ‘schizophrenia’? Do the numbers point to a computer-like
Read moreAre the leading Flat Earth really trying to mandoozle their own listeners? How often do ‘awake’ people change their opinions
Read moreDid the former ‘leader’ of the YouTube ‘truth movement’ fake his death? Was the world lied to about what really
Read moreWhat are the ‘nephilim’ and what do they have to do with clowns? Why do some people believe that Jesus
Read moreAre people like Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan ‘in on it’? Is it wrong (or somehow ‘feeding the beast’) to
Read moreIs there really an evil cabal running the world from behind closed doors? What’s the best explanation for the ridiculous
Read moreCan knowledge of gematria help a person to win at gambling on muh sportsball? Why does ‘waking up’ change some
Read moreWhat might a renounced Mormon have in common with a modern day skeptic? Why are most folks forever stuck in
Read moreHow much of an overlap might exist between ‘mandela effect’ and ‘sync’? Is it possible that some entity or force
Read moreHow did Tim Ozman predict the recent news story about a Chinese ‘sky fall’ and even the geographic coordinates within
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