Bonversations | Ep #63 | Reality Sceptic [3] (16-Jan-2025)
What could cause an enthusiastic young podcaster to suddenly want to walk away?
Are most ‘awake’ people just as hopelessly programmed as regular TV-believing normies?
If we could know for certain that the NPC theory is valid, would it actually change our lives?
Episode #63 – Reality Sceptic [3]
Recorded: 16-Jan-2025
Published: 21-Jan-2025
Part 1
Part 2
Members can find all Part 2 / aftershow / second hours HERE.
The second part of this call runs another 80 minutes and includes discussion about:
* What if the next place (after this ‘reality’) is worse than the one we’re currently in?
* Gnosticism and the idea that we are already living in what might be termed ‘hell’.
* How easy is it for popular content creators to get caught up in their own groupthink / hivemind?
* What does it mean when even the brighter folks among us begin parroting simple talking points?
* Can ‘remote viewing’ and / or other esoteric methods be used to accurately predict pro sports?
If you have any interest in these kinds of topics, I think you’ll enjoy the discussion.
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Reality Sceptic
Check out Luke’s Bitchute | Odysee | Spotify
JLB’s appearance on the show – here.
You can show your support for Luke’s efforts via Ko-fi here.
Links / shownotes
Movie clip – here.
Regarding Papa Gustave
More Great Quotes (which have all been verified) can be found HERE.
Production notes. Bonversations Ep #63. Recorded 16-Jan-2025, published 21-Jan-2025.
Intention always tells the the truth.
Luke is correct to speak about electromagnetic envelopment. He would do well to complete the thought it is (Wet cell electromagnetic envelopment (eye-ball)
The so-called universe is in fact the shape of the human eye.
Man, plant, animal, land (earth) and water make up what is called the iris.
The Earth that which is populated by man plant and animal is in fact a plane with deviations called depth and elevation.
Like above like below and like the boundary one will be stopped simply by the limitation of (electromagnetic) buoyancy. (Meaning you can only go up down out only so far….(For those looking above their heads look into the idea of lighter than air gases and light realm/knowing how semiconductors are created helps as above so below)
I knew Luke was not a true seeker of the truth when in fact he did not and has not invited yours truly unto his show he still seeks the comfort of antichrist characters.
He will when he accepts the free gift of Christ know the truth and the truth shall set him free.
He will not have this opportunity whatsoever if he continues to kowtow to those who are in fact of the Antichrist mindset. {$et}
Now then if you would like to listen to the best bonversations ever that would be number eight.
This number eight also exposes the arrogance and ignorance of the John Le bon character.
If anyone is interested in a list of videos which I completed in the year 2014 to 2015 that explains not only the electromagnetic envelopment but also the exact form and function of where you place your feet you are welcome to email me
No paywalls, no limits, no fee required.
You will however need to get off your intellectually lazy ass’d behind and do some work.
You will study you will test and you will show first your(self) approved.
The other choices continue to Babble(0n/off)
Here is an intellectual tip
When anyone starts or ends their statement with “I don’t know” dismiss them entirely. They are telling you the truth at that moment you are in fact foolish and a true fool to continue communication.
To remain silent in study and observation, is the most powerful cure for ignorance.