Bonversations | Ep #60 | Eccentric Views (10-Dec-2024)

Did the former ‘leader’ of the YouTube ‘truth movement’ fake his death?

Was the world lied to about what really happened in Melbourne circa 2020 – 2022?

How did the some folks, who initially fell for the ‘Flat Earth’ meme, eventually manage to escape?


Episode #60 – Eccentric Views

Recorded 10-Dec-2024
Published: 15-Dec-2024

Part 1

Part 2

Members can find all Part  2 / aftershow / second hours HERE.

The second part of this call runs another hour and includes discussion about:

* Behind-the-scenes dramas when media fakery aware people get together in ‘real life’.

* The more peculiar and kooky content creators in the YouTube ‘truth movement’ of the mid 2010s.

* Why Melbourne seems to have been at the heart of corona lockdowns, and also a litany of 311 / crown ‘coincidences’.

* The ‘predictive programming’ vs ‘sync’ ‘debate’.

…and much, much more.

If you have any interest in these kinds of topics, I think you’ll enjoy the discussion.

Get instant access to Part 2 of this call (and dozens of other Bonversations) by joining now.

Treat yourself to the best interview-based content available in this corner of the internet 👍

Gino a.k.a. Eccentric Views

YouTube | Twitter

Video about long-distance observations – here.

Follow-up video – here.

Links / shownotes

Gino and JLB on ISS – here.

Crown – here and here.

Jeffrey video – here | Other guy video – here.

Regarding Papa Gustave


More Great Quotes (which have all been verified) can be found HERE.

Production notes. Bonversations Ep #60. Recorded 10-Dec-2024, published 15-Dec-2024.

One thought on “Bonversations | Ep #60 | Eccentric Views (10-Dec-2024)

  • December 22, 2024 at 12:40 am

    Loved the end of part 2 (52:16)

    Gino to JLB…
    “I get what you’re saying… so, hang on…so…what are you saying?”

    Enjoyed this discussion.
    Very cool to hear two guys (friends) talk about all the crazy stuff they remember about this whole scene.
    I can remember Gino conveying his JLB=Lesta Nedium theory, several years back at
    I’m not sure if that belief should inspire confidence or skepticism regarding his current conviction about the Jeff C=crypto guy.
    I did find it odd that Gino claims to be a fan of both JLB’s material, and Tim Ozman’s material, but wasn’t aware of Ozman’s strident stance *against* syncromysticism. He can’t have been paying attention lately if he thought Ozman was on the same page as JLB on the Predictive Programming vs Sync subject.


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