Bonversations | Ep #51 | Tim Ozman [4] (25-Jul-2024)
Are people like Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan ‘in on it’?
Is it wrong (or somehow ‘feeding the beast’) to pay attention to political news?
Why might it appear that movies and TV shows sometimes ‘predict’ real world events?
Episode #51 – Tim Ozman [4]
Recorded 25-Jul-2024
Published 26-Jul-2024
Part 1
Part 2
Members can find all Part 2 / aftershow / second hours HERE.
The second part of this call is another hour, and includes discussion about:
* The real purpose of the modern schooling system.
* Similarities, and differences, between ‘predictive programming’ and ‘sync’.
* Magick, manifestation, and why some people believe they can change the world around them.
…and much, much more.
If you have any interest in these kinds of topics, I think you’ll enjoy the discussion.
Get instant access to Part 2 of this call (and dozens of other Bonversations) by joining now.
Treat yourself to the best interview-based content available in this corner of the internet 👍
Tim Ozman
Check out Tim’s IPS Patreon / think-tank here.
See also his Twitter and main website and Minds feed.
Tim’s ‘Top 11’ examples of Trump shooting predictive programming – here.
Other links
JLB covers the Neil deGrasse Tyson appearance in Brisbane – here.
WWF 911 clip – here | Hulk Hogan clip – here |
Machete clip – here | News clip – here | Gatto clip – here
Production notes. Bonversations Ep #51. Recorded 25-Jul-2024, published 26-Jul-2024.
Great episode of Bonversations! I was both pleasantly surprised and appreciative of the John Taylor Gatto recording at the end.
I can only describe this episode as heart-warming. So many of us (maybe just me) are convinced that people are destined for a future full of suffering, stupidity and extinction. If they are using people to create this type of world (media makers), then we may be able to create a world of our own (with or without the consent of the billions of people in the world).
Maybe I just had my daily dose of Hopium today…maybe not…
I think it’s noteworthy that Tim Osman experiences synchronicity. I think that very few people actually do.
Tim reminded me that I co-create my own reality, people, places and things are influenced by my thoughts, energy, disposition and actions… and I don’t actually need an entire Hollywood apparatus to do so.
I watched the entire series of Fallout after JLB indicated that he might watch as well on the articles at JLB dot com.
The first episode was a little hard to watch with all of the violence, incest and blood and stuff. I almost quit after the second episode as well. I didnt notice any other easter eggs but now I am waiting for season two. I cannot honestly recommend the series in good conscience, episode 5 may be the most relevant for the content here.
Hope that there is more from Tim Osman very soon.
Three of my favorite films, Spider Man, Spider Man 2 and Elizabethtown all star Kristen Dunst. I’ve concluded that many of the themes in these films, both conceptual and visual are the result of deliberate and conscience
placement by human agency. The nature of reality, personal Syncs / interactivity with the place are real an observable from my perspective as well. Thanks.
You can’t control your subconscious framing just by being “critical” about poisonous lies and trash and calling it out for what it is. Regardless of how reasonable and awake you think you are, it’s still garbage-in / garbage-out. You have to severely limit intake. Therefore your exposure to each PsyOp should only be the least amount required to call it a hoax. It doesn’t need this absurd requirement of “I wasn’t there so I don’t know” (even if you were there, you still wouldn’t know barring the right framework and principles logically applied) and endless detail wrangling, it just needs a few basic media-fakery principles logically applied. Once that’s done, any further exposure is like continuing to eat junk-food after you have identified it as junk.
“Auto-hoaxing” is therefore akin to “auto-junking” or refusing to taste and experience the short term and long term cumulative results of every last variety of thousands of pieces of junk-food before knowing it’s garbage and minimizing intake to the lowest level your previous programmed addictions and manufactured physical sickness will allow. So if you’ve examined 20 different PsyOps already and they’re all similarly media-faked, as soon as you see a few signs of a new one fitting the same mold you throw it in the trash and “auto-hoax” it, primarily to protect the automatic operation of the subconscious which is 90% of the iceberg underneath the water, your conscious control mechanism being the 10% above.
“Emotional investment” is done subconsciously over the course of decades. You can’t fight against the force of this 90% iceberg with your puny little conscious reasoning and sorry-assed “willpower.” This is the precise ego-tripping weakness of so-called intellectuals which “the controllers” prey on (when you only pray to the rabbi-on-a-stick who came back from the dead and similar fairy tales like Frank the Salt guy, you become prey). You can re-program and re-direct the iceberg in an opposite direction in-keeping with your reason and for this mental-junk-food restriction is absolutely critical. Being a “conspiracy hobbyist” and spending all day analyzing every last detail of hoaxes already identified as such is just another form junk-feeding and it cannot be possibly good for (subconscious or 90% of) mental health. If a person continues in this mold for too long they’re basically just exploiting the conspiracy hobbyist demographic to make a living at a high (in subconscious trash) expense – they’re not really advancing the ship or iceberg of “truth” in the direction where it needs to go – regardless of how they justify and rationalize it to themselves.
P.S. If you’re going to play parody commercials, isn’t it better to play only a couple of new ones on each show (or none) instead of the same 5 or 6 old ones?
Let’s not forget the other famous wrestler in the beginning of the full version of that clip: Jesse “the body” Ventura (one-time bodyguard for the Rolling Stones) talking about the twin towers with the now deceased announcer “Mean Gene Okerlund” (a nickname given to him by Ventura) right before Randy “Macho Man” Savage (also now dead) and Hulk Hogan take over. Ventura later became governor of Minnesota and from 2009 to 2012 had a TV series called “Conspiracy Theory” where he “exposed,” among other things, David Icke making over 3 million dollars a year off the fear-addicted conspiracy hobbyist demographic. This demographic is still there and very similar in its psychology to fans of Horror movies (the most popular film genre which almost never loses money), people who get a deep rush out of fear and being scared and even worse out of being “grossed” out. As a conspiracy content creator “doom-and-gloom” puts you in the money because you’re pushing the buttons that give these people their needed fix – whereas not doom-and-glooming is like taking their favorite drug away.
Ventura was also the biggest promoter of the Judy Wood theory of Directed Energy Weapons which went as far as admitting “No Planes” only to gatekeep the validity of the media imagery and the “victims” who were said to have been “pulverized” into dust with the buildings and all its contents. Ventura sold a lot of expensive 40 dollar hardcover Judy Wood “Where did the Towers Go?” (lol, where exactly did they go? as if no buildings had ever been control demolitioned before in history, and “size” alone would require them to be pulverized with DEW or “Mini Nuked” as that other shill Jim Fetzer claims) books to retards like me and Abirato the Fakeologist (he has admitted many times to buying the book previous to starting his website in 2012 after seeing September Clues). Mine was bought on July 23, 2011 for 43.94 total according to my Amazon records. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ozman also purchased that book back then and helped make Judy DEW Wood a huge chunk of money in the process (her book was very popular at the time even up to number 500 or so in the rankings I think, it’s still quite popular 13 years later and still getting 5 star reviews from a new crop of ignorant, gatekept conspiritards, or maybe some of the same old crowd still not able to move past it, which would be truly sad).
It’s important to mention that at this time I had already been exposed to Simon Shack’s “September Clues” and Ace Baker’s “9-11 Psy-Opera” as well which means I was still only at the “No Planer” stage, not realizing the extent of the image fakery (the entire event was faked, including the building collapses, not just the planes) and not yet having read the (already researched and released in 2009) “Vicsim” Report and Shack’s Social Security Death Index Report which proved that the 3000 victims were simulated.
I remember giving my copy of that idiotic book to my first cousin, a Ph D in physics, during Christmas dinner that year (he still believes in the Moon Landings and the International Space Station), intending to buy another copy for myself, which I never did, since right after that I got deeper into September Clues forum material and realized all these people (Judy Wood, Ace Baker, Jim Fetzer, etc.) were limited hangout gatekeepers.
As for Shack and his now completely dead forum (so dead that I couldn’t even find a currently valid link for the Vicsim Report pdf online and had to upload my own saved copy) which never even accepted JLB as a member and called Brian Staveley a “sim,” in other words, not even a real human being (lol) but a simulated digital creation similar to the “vicsims” on 9-11 and other PsyOps, isn’t it odd as JLB identified a while back that his supposed real name Simon Hytten and his top lieutenant Hoi Polloi’s supposed real name Maxim Konrardy add up to SIM HYT – MAX (im-um) KON? And that he’s mainly engaged in pushing another version of the globe earth model and “space is real” now?
“What is history? An echo of the past in the future, a reflection of the future on the past.” – Victor Hugo