Bonversations | Ep #45 | Brien and Jenna (18-Mar-2024)

Why do the red and blue teams of politics seem to be so similar?

Is there a worldwide agenda to engineer society in a certain direction?

Who is really pulling the strings behind the scenes (and what is their endgame)?


Episode #45 – Brien and Jenna

Recorded: 18-Mar-2024
published: 19-Mar-2024

Part 1

Part 2

Members can find all Part  2 / aftershow / second hours HERE.

The second part of this call includes discussion about:

* Are some ‘truth tellers’ in this corner of the internet faking their deaths?

* The ritualistic nature of the human beings

* Independent media: how many people are out there listening?

…and much more.

If you have any interest in these kinds of topics, I think you’ll enjoy the discussion.

Get instant access to Part 2 of this call (and dozens of other Bonversations) by joining now.

Treat yourself to the best interview-based content available in this corner of the internet 👍

Brian and Jenna

Check out their communitarian videos on YouTube and also Fakeotube.

Also see their biochar garden tour here.

Links / shownotes

Brien and Jenna’s appearances on fakeologist here, here and here.

Audiochats the end music drops were take from – here and here.

Production notes. Bonversations Ep #45. Recorded 18-Mar-2024, produced and published 19-Mar-2024.

3 thoughts on “Bonversations | Ep #45 | Brien and Jenna (18-Mar-2024)

  • March 19, 2024 at 5:49 pm

    I first came across this via Ab. These two are very articulate but over the past few years I have found very little interest in CT. The idea of a hex is becoming more of an explanation + ” eyes glaze over” + diminishing attention span- maybe it’ll get some impetus here.
    To me it’s determining The Way Forward: Governance not government. So much makes sense with this explanation: Soft power, community policing -we’ve seen it spread worldwide these past 4 years

    Has something been explained when we feel that we “understand” it because we have been shown how it fits into some broader context, wider organisation?

    Tx again JLB, Brian and Jenna ( and Ab in a limited way- he did interview Niki before she died)

  • March 24, 2024 at 12:43 am

    Your aftershow outro work is very good. Loving all these bonversations


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